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Web Press Kit - ABAV - A Feira de Turismo das Américas

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“We promised and we made the best ABAV in the historyâ€, celebrates Antonio Azevedo

ABAV – The Tourism Fair of the Americas finished its 40th edition with challenges concluded. In the three days of the event, from 24th to 26th of October, Rio de Janeiro´s city was the scene of good business, training, analysis of tourism trends and networking, bringing together 26,039 participants, a historic record of all editions, and 448 exhibitors in 448 booths. “We promised and we made the biggest and the best fair held in Rio de Janeiroâ€, said Antonio Azevedo, president of the Brazilian Association of Travel Agencies.

This year, the event also featured a qualitative increase, particularly regarding the conclusions of commercial agreements. According to Azevedo, never at another ABAV fair, so many businesses were concluded. “I visited all the booths and received a unanimous positive feedback from exhibitors. It was a success beyond expectationsâ€, he said.


In 2012, several new features were implemented in the largest tourism fair of Americas, aiming to rescue the commercial values of the event. The round of nationals and internationals businesses, organized by Sebrae and Embratur, contributed to drive business. According to official figures, were generated R$ 6 million in meetings between companies (suppliers) and operators (buyers) “which will compose new products ranging from Brazilian destinationsâ€, said Alessandro Macedo, vice president of Marketing and Events at ABAV.

Knowing Village

The Brazilian Congress of Travel Agencies – Knowing Village hosted in the three days more than 150 lectures about diverse topics such as distribution, management, mega events, receptive, corporate, marketing and others. In total, more than 5 thousand people attended the sessions. “The awareness training is increasingly present in the lives of the professional of tourism and it was satisfying to see all the seminars rooms crowed, with several of them reaching overbooking and queuing at the doorâ€, celebrated the vice president of ICCABAV, Ana Carolina Medeiros Souza.

ITB Berlim

ABAV´s international strategic partner, ITB Berlim, which is the largest tourism fair in the world, in the three days of the event in 2012, with the support of ITB Academy, presented several workshops and lectures about issues such CSR, Business Travel, LGBT, MICE and hospitality management. Moreover, the German fair also set up both in Hall 4, where visitors and professionals could inform about the next edition of the fair. “We want to expand this alliance with the ITB for the coming year. The cooperation and the exchange of knowledge between ITB Berlim and ABAV were a great benefit for both, and this is part of our strategic positioning in the marketâ€, said Leonel Rossi Jr., vice president of International Relations at ABAV.

Espaço Corporativo

A Feira de Turismo das Américas deste ano trouxe também a Ilha Corporativa como novidade, em parceria com a Associação Brasileira de Agências de Viagens Corporativas (Abracorp). O espaço permitiu aos profissionais do trade a troca de experiências com gestores de viagens de empresas dos mais diversos segmentos. “Esta iniciativa só tem a acrescentar para o mercado. Trouxemos 534 gestores para que eles conheçam o funcionamento da indústria do turismoâ€, comenta Edmar Bull, vice-presidente Administrativo da ABAV e presidente da Abracorp, que, durante o final do evento, comemorou o sucesso que a novidade alcançou no Rio de Janeiro.

Corporate space

The Tourism Fair of the Americas this year also brought the Corporate Island as novelty, in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Corporate Travel Agencies (Abracorp). The space allowed for trade professionals to exchange experiences with travel managers of companies in various segments. "This initiative is only adding to the market. We brought 534 managers so they know the workings of the tourism industry", said Edmar Bull, Administrative Vice President of ABAV and president of Abracorp who, during the end of the event, celebrated the success that the novelty achieved in Rio de Janeiro.

Sponsors and supporters

This year, ABAV – The Tourism Fair of the Americas was sponsored by Sebrae (Knowledge Village and Round table of Businesses), Confederação Nacional do Comércio de Bens, Serviços e Turismo – CNC (National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism) (Knowledge Village), Ecuador (Press Room), Mexico (Communication channels – website and newsletter), Travelport (carbon offsetting of the event). Support from Embratur – Brazilian Institute of Tourism (Program of Buyers Invited), Abracorp (Brazilian Association of Corporate Travel Agencies), APAVT (Portuguese Association of Travel Agencies and Tourism), Forum of Travel Agents and Tour Operators in South America.


ABAV – The Tourism Fair of the Americas now begins a new cycle. From 2013 to 2015, the event will be held in São Paulo, in the Anhembi Convention Center. The decision was based on a technical study which showed that the level of business in São Paulo is more favorable and the hotel network in São Paulo city have more availability than Rio. “The Rio de Janeiro contributed greatly to the increased internationalization of our event and we will be eternally gratefulâ€, concluded Antonio Azevedo.

ABAV in Numbers

Participants: 26,039

Booth: 448

Exhibitors: 5019

Footprint in Riocentro: 45,000 m²

Area occupied by booths: 30,000 m²

Direct jobs generated: 1930

Meeting the Business Roundtable: 500

Companies in Business Roundtable: 150

Operators in Business Round: 38

Operators in International Business Round: 19

Average generate immediate business at Business Round: 4 million

Managers participating in the Corporate Area: 530

Lectures held in the village of Knowledge: 150

Mais informações para a imprensa:
Luiz Henrique Miranda
LH Miranda
Fone: 11 - 3873-5488
Cel: 11 - 9658-8766
E-mail: lhmiranda@pressclub.com.br
Site: http://www.pressclub.com.br